PIC16 | PIC18 |
#1. LED blinking | #1. UART / USART #1.1 UART / USART (improved) |
#2. Button connection | #2. A humidity sensor DHT22 |
#3. Timer TMR0 | #3. ADC |
#4. 7 Segment indicator | #4. An encoder |
#5. Interruptions | #5. USB communication |
#6. LCD display | #6. Touch sensor |
#6.2 LCD display (use this one) | #7. The PWM module |
#7. The comparator | |
#8. Timer TMR1 | |
#9. Timer TMR2 | |
#10. The CCP module (capture/compare) | |
#11. The PWM module | |
#12. EEPROM | |
#13. Software I2C | |
#14. UART | |
#15. RTC | |
#16. 1-wire DS18b20 | |
#17. RTC and thermometer bundle | |
#18. WIN app for the COM port communications | |
#19. Win app for the COM port communications. The improved version, based on Qt. | |
#20. The encoder | |
#20.1 The encoder, the polling state method | |
#21. RC5 protocol (IR remote) | |
#22. POR, BOR resets | |
#23. Emergency saving of the data during sudden power off | |
#24. A humidity sensor DHT11 | |
#25. An ultrasonic distance sensor HC-SR04 | |