The original post has been written in 2012 year.
The time has came to build the PCB for the actual DIY audio amplifier. I decided to go with TDA7294.

The schematic is similar to the datasheet but with some minor changes suggested on some audio electronics enthusiast community, there is it:

At the point of time I had access to the Altium designer, it showed even nice 3d model:

And here are both channels assembled.

For now, there are headers for input/outputs, afterwards I’m going to either solder them or find the better way for low-resistance interconnects. It worked pretty fine, but there was one annoying noise when a signal is absent. At that point of time I thought it would be nice to have the automatic stand-by mode when we don’t have a signal for some time. That where my thoughts will be directed now.
The radiators are small, since I’m going to add a fan with PWM control, the thermal sensor will be moved closer to radiators to have trustful picture.
That’s it, next either audio processor either work on the enclosure. For myself I kind of noticed that it is a bit more efficient and nice when you firstly realize the enclosure and assembly composition and then carry on having all that stuff in mind.
P.S. A mute mode works perfectly fine, no any noise noticed.
Pingback: A TDA7294 audio amplifier with the PIC16F877a brain (abandoned, not finished) |