Pic Lab, PIC16, Experiment #17, The clock with a thermometer

After I had enough time playing with a thermal sensor DS18b20 and the RTC DS1307 I decided to bundle them together into a single device. Another reason was the fact that the cheap Chinese clock called a day and let its electronic soul leave the nice enclosure. I considered this as an opportunity to put my stuff inside of it.

That is what I got in the end:

+1 reason is that I had a free sample of the “port expander” PCA9539, I mentioned this IC in experiment #13.

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Pic Lab, PIC16, Experiment #15, Real-time clock (RTC) DS1307

I got the package from China with some ICs I wanted to try before embedding them to the clock project I want to make. Have to warn: my point of interest was just a time, the date was out of the scope, so nothing about it will be investigated further.

Goal: To write the value of the time/read the time and output it thru UART from the DS1307 chip

Tools: PIC16f628a, DS1307, MAX232 level converter, devboard, proteus.

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