Pic Lab, PIC18, Experiment #5, USB

When I started to dig into USB topic it was quite a surprise, the amount of efforts the smart people around the world put into it just unbelievable. Even more fascinating fact – it actually worked out. The excitement reached some saturation when I realized the prices (: Vendor ID will cost you 5 grands per year, want to use a USB logo – no problem, just add another 6 grands on the top. Now we could test the compliance of your device with our standard for n grands… The companies using USB are listed on the website www.usb.org (USB Implementers Forum – USB-IF). The curious one could just count a number of companies and calculate the profit just from the year subscription, and this thing is going on for a long long time already. Well they have definitely built an addictive stuff. I, personally, have found the usage for my projects a bit excessive, I definitely not ready to put 5 grands per year for USB in the cheap humidity sensor.

Now, there are tons of different information, it is really challenging to grasp all at once, I will be honest and won’t pretend that I got everything, have a lot of holes in the knowledge, I just need to make it alive and respond to my commands. So, what I gonna to do is to show the info which looked important to me and then will conduct two experiments on this “foundation”.

USB diagram
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USB to RS-232 – FT232RL

There are tons of articles out there, but I decided to make my own device at the moment:

I had thoughts to make such a device long ago, but at this point of time, the necessity of having this stuff increased significantly. Initially, I found a cheap CP2102 IC, it was cheaper than the huge FT232RL, which has a lot of redundant for me functions. Then I went shopping (here I’m talking about Belarus like 8 years ago) and realized that for us CP2102 is more expensive than FT232RL. Well, my choice was kind of obvious.

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Pic Lab, PIC16, Experiment #14, USART (UART) module

Let’s look at USART module in pic microcontroller (uart module).

I’m going to move in two ways:

1. Using existing functions from a hi-tech compiler.

2. Writing my own functions.

USART = UART = SCI – the universal data transmitting/receiving protocol, which can work in synchronous and asynchronous modes. We pay attention to the second mode at the moment, this one is used for communications mostly.

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