Pic Lab, PIC16, Experiment #12, EEPROM

Goal: To write and read EEPROM

What we have: PIC16f628a and a simple devboard.

Microcontroller PIC16f628a has 128 bytes of EEPROM memory on board, not too much but we have what we have. Hi-tech PICC compiler has internal functions for work with EEPROM, but here I’m going to make some my personal functions.

Let’s look at the EECON1 register:

from the mikroe resourse
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The diy devboard for pic16f628a

At that point of time, I did not have a lot of possibilities to buy any commercial development board, so I had to make my own

I wanted to make a small board, not those huge with everything you can imagine, and, perhaps, never going to use. A 3d model shows what I wanted and what I made: 4 buttons + 4 LED hanging on the PORTB. There is also one button and one LED for PORTA. Everything can be disconnected from the microcontroller using the dip switch.

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